A Week of Jakarta Traffic
Jakarta is one of the cities with the worst traffic. You might find yourself hours in a car on your way back home even though it’s only a 10 miles trip (16 k...

NYC Bus Dashboard
Busstat.nyc is a dashboard that communicates overall reliability of New York City MTA buses to the public, on a line-by-line basis.
Predicting Tobacco Sales to Youth in New York City
A project to predict whether a tobacco retailer in New York City will sell to youth and identify the variables that influence this activity using random fore...

Rise in Intolerance and Decline in Pluralism (Case Study of Regional Election in Jakarta, Indonesia)
A study about the effect of a religion blasphemy issue and heavily biased news to regional election in Jakarta, using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), Stru...

The Effect of Subway Delays on Taxi Ridership in New York City
This project examines the effect of subway delays upon taxi ridership. We combined publicly available data on subway delays and taxi pickups, which were spat...
Permias New York City Website
I developed this website for Permias NYC, an Indonesian Student Association in New York City. I used HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, and then convert all the pag...

Nikah Ibmon: Wedding Website
Nikah Ibmon is a single-page wedding Website using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I developed this web with my husband for our wedding back then in 2014.